Ginet on A Priori KnowledGe: SKillS and GradeS

Συγγραφέας: Stephen Hetherington

Stephen Hetherington: Ginet on A Priori KnowledGe: SKillS and GradeS (pdf, 9 pages)
2. Ginet envisages a person’s fully understanding ‘what the sentence p says’ – which is the person’s fully understanding ‘what is said by one who utters p in normal circumstances in order to assert that p’ (p. 3). The understanding involved is direcError: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMapted at meaning. It is one’s ‘understanding the parts and the structure of the sentence’ (ibid.). In the next section, I say more about the details of such understanding. First, though, here is how it can help to constitute p’s being self-evident simpliciter (p. 13):