Critical Notice

Συγγραφέας: H. O. Mounce

H. O. Mounce: Critical Notice (pdf, 50K)
This book, taken part by part, contains many good things. Its contributors are inspired or stimulated by the work of Cora Diamond andjames Conant, philosophers of evident distinction. It is divided into two parts. The first covers Wittgenstein’s work in general. Cavell discusses his vision of language. john McDowell and David Finkelstein his account of following a rule. Rupert Read contrasts his work with that of Kripke and Martin Stone with that of Derrida. Alice Crary discusses his philosophy in relation to political thought. The second part deals specifically with the Ttaetatas. Cora Diamond has two papers, one discussing the place within the Tractatas of the ethical and another on how this work anticipates the private language argument. james Conant and David Cerbone discuss Wittgenstein’s relation to Frege. Hilary Putnam and juliet Floyd discuss the philosophy of mathematics and Edward Witherspoon makes a contrast between Wittgenstein and Carnap. All the papers contain illuminating points. The paper by Rupert Read in the first section and those by Putnam and Cerbone in the second are especially notable for their clarity and liveliness. But the book is intended to be more than the mere sum ofits parts. Its aim is to clarify Wittgenstein’s philosophy by setting it in a new light. The contributors are intended to reinforce one another in achieving this aim. There is one exception. With admirable disinterestedness, the editors have included, at the end of the book,


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