In memory of Torkel Franzén

Συγγραφέας: Solomon Feferman

Solomon Feferman: In memory of Torkel Franzén (pdf, 192K)
Some have claimed that G6del’s incompleteness theorems on the formal axiomatic model of mathematical thought can be used to demonstrate that mind is not mechanical, in opposition to a Formalist-Mechanist Thesis. Following an explanation of the incompleteness theorems and their relationship with Turing machines, we here concentrate on the arguments of Godel (with some caveats) and Lucas among others for such claims; in addition, Lucas brings out the relevance to the free will debate. Both arguments are subject to a number of critiques. The article concludes with the formulation of a modified Formalist-Mechanist Thesis which prima facie guarantees partial freedom of the will in the development of mathematical thought.